In the final installment of the Great North American Cost Snake series, we break down the reasons the U.S. pays such exorbitant amounts for transit projects that are anything but world-class. What are the numbers? Why should advocates care about getting costs down? What policy changes would fix ballooning costs? All this, after the news.
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References & notes
- [1] Mass Transit: CA: BART service restored between Oakland and S.F. after unexpected closure
- [2] Vox: Why does it cost so much to build things in America?
- [3] The Eno Center for Transportation: Five Takeaways from Eno's Transit Capital Construction Database
- [4] Transit Costs Project:What the data is telling us
- [5] Vice: A $100 Billion Lesson In Why Building Public Transportation Is So Expensive in the US
- [6] Vice: Here's How the US Can Stop Wasting Billions of Dollars on Each Transit Project
- [7] The Seattle Times: Why building rail transit in U.S., Seattle costs so much and takes so long
- [8] Pedestrian Observations: US Rail Construction Costs
- [9] Marketplace: Why does transit infrastructure cost so much in the U.S.?
- [10] Bloomberg: Why U.S. Infrastructure Costs So Much
- [11] Governing: Why Are U.S. Transit Projects So Costly? This Group Is on the Case.
- [12] The Boston Case: The Story of the Green Line Extension
- [13] Wikipedia: California Environmental Quality Act
- [14] US EPA: National Environmental Policy Act
- [15] Wikipedia: National Environmental Policy Act